Fear: Why I Am Feeling Stuck and Unmotivated – Pt 1

Oct 20, 2021

It doesn’t take much to start feeling stuck and unmotivated.  Life doesn’t often feel very simple, however, what we do can be boiled down to one of  two things.  We are either acting out of fear or out of love.  We are driven by avoidance of perceived predictable pain or  pursuit of anticipated pleasure.  When we start moving in the direction of our aspirations, we can fully expect to encounter our fear. 

Enacting fear and existing in it result in  — You think about what you want to accomplish, you think about a 100 reasons why you can’t do it, you think about what will happen if you try and it doesn’t work out, you think about what people will think or say about you – 

All of which leaves you exhausted and depleted of energy so you return to the things that require no energy from you – back to the video game, the binge watching of netflix, and the comfort of our habits.

It’s easy to see how it works and that it sucks.  Not to be insulting and I ask without judgement and pure curiosity – is it  possible that following this means you are feeding yourself lies about your inabilities to justify your laziness?   However you reflect on that question – it is fair to wonder what can you do instead? How to get out of an unmotivated rut caused by fear?

Indulge in a different narrative – remind yourself instead of these things: 

  1. There is power in unity.   Not a single person on the planet isn’t also facing some fear. 
  2. Fear, anxiety, worry – are yours for the purpose of pointing at what needs to be conquered and done.  So do it. 
  3. You don’t need courage to conquer your fears, courage comes from conquering your fears. 
  4. If your fears are left unconquered, if you allow them to conquer you – they will pile up and compound into lifetime regrets

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