Momentum: Why I Am Stuck & Unmotivated – Pt 3

Oct 21, 2021

Serious and intense people might obsess over following strict routines or schedules, use of a prescriptive, or a recipe for living – like waking up on time or writing a blog once a week.  It is easy to  believe that those things are critical to their success even.  To buy into the idea that if you aren’t following recipes and steps well that things can’t – won’t get done.

That belief may hold some weight bit that isn’t all of the weight.  Sure habits are so important for determining the probability of not failing and reducing the amount of potential suffering.  Good habits are good to have only when we don’t wrap up our idea of success as dependent upon them. 

We are human.  We are full of mistakes.  We get exhausted.  We get bored.   We love our routines as much  as we feel imprisoned by them.   It is okay to not give our freedom to them – because they aren’t going to be responsible for our success. We can break our routine without losing our momentum

If you are harsh about those breaks in momentum, then it becomes really hard to get back in the game. You develop a lot of anxiety around it. It just gets exhausting. Routine is great, inculcating good habits is important. BUT, if you fail at it for a day or even a week, it’s really not the end of the world.  It isn’t a failure its a sign telling you to take a break, relax, slow it down – don’t try and lift the 90 lb weight if you still need to master the 70 lb one?

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