Self Improvement

Are You Ready to Become the Best Version of Yourself?

Self-improvement is a journey that focuses on enhancing your personal growth, achieving your goals, and improving your overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to build better habits, boost your confidence, or develop new skills, therapy can provide the support and guidance you need.

Do These Struggles Sound Familiar?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges? DBT might be the game-changer you need. Look out for these signs:

  • Emotional Rollercoaster: Constantly battling intense and fluctuating emotions.
  • Stress Overload: Finding it hard to manage anxiety and stress.
  • Mindfulness Struggles: Difficulty staying present and focused.
  • Relationship Roadblocks: Issues with communication and setting healthy boundaries.
  • Negative Thought Spirals: Persistent negative thinking and trouble calming yourself during tough times.

How Does DBT Work?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a powerful tool for self-improvement, focusing on several key areas to help you achieve emotional and psychological growth. Here’s how DBT can help:

Emotional Regulation

Many clients experience fluctuations of extreme emotions. Helping to regulate clients’ emotions during stressful times is a primary goal of DBT. Emotional regulation helps you better understand, adapt, and alter your emotions to improve your mindset. This structured approach includes:

  • Identifying emotions
  • Reducing vulnerability to reactive behaviors
  • Identifying obstacles to changing emotions
Distress Tolerance

Learn to reframe your thoughts, implement self-soothing techniques, and better understand the present moment to cope with uncomfortable events and occurrences that cause anxiety and stress. This section of DBT helps you:

  • Reframe negative thoughts
  • Implement self-soothing techniques
  • Stay present and grounded

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware and present in the moment, achieved through a variety of techniques. You will be encouraged to keep a diary and reflect on the challenges and triumphs of your daily efforts. This practice helps you:

  • Increase self-awareness
  • Stay focused on the present
  • Reflect on daily experiences
Interpersonal Effectiveness

Learn how to speak up for what you want and need while maintaining healthy relationships. Interpersonal effectiveness provides tools to:

  • Ask effectively for what you need
  • Say no in a way that minimizes conflict
  • Maintain healthy relationships

What Now?

You can begin to work independently with these helpful tips as you firm up your decision to engage and register for an appointment.

Learn more about what to expect from existential therapy, its benefits, and possible interventions used in sessions. If you are ready to journey together:

  • Get more comfortable with not knowing.
  • Reaffirm your values.
  • Talk to loved ones.
  • Keep a journal.
  • Meditate.
  • Take time for lightheartedness.

What to Expect from This Therapy

The Importance of a DBT Consultation Team

Due to the severity and complexity of issues encountered by those providing DBT, a consultation team is essential. This team includes individual therapists, skills training group leaders, and case managers who share knowledge and motivate one another. Weekly consultations help:

  • Maintain high standards of care
  • Prevent provider burnout
  • Ensure optimal client support

At the End of the Day, We’re Here to Help You Clarify Your Goals

Since everyone's values are different, we'll define what value-based living looks like for you. Then we’ll ask, "What would it look like if you were living more consistently with your values?" Instead of feeling powerless in your situation, we’ll explore what’s within your control.

We'll identify actions you can take to support your goals. Finally, we’ll help you establish maintenance practices for preventing and preparing for future life challenges independently.